data growth
Too much data?
Every year data production and consumption reaches new heights. But this creates a new challenge: there’s not enough time, resource or budget to make value from it all.
Challenges with Excessive Data.
Organisations are creating and consuming more data than ever, and the sheer volume is a significant challenge to data management and storage.
IDC forecasts that by 2025, the global datasphere will have grown to 163 zettabytes.
A zettabyte is 1021 bytes (or 1015 megabytes which doesn’t really help) but researchers at Cisco have developed a non-networking equivalency to help to visualise the scale…
If each megabyte in a zettabyte was a brick, you could build 258,000 Great Walls of China!
What’s Holding You Back?
Gaining visibility of your data is hard enough, but classifying and analysing it for storage optimisation is challenging without a data storage expert in your corner.
Get in touch for a different conversation about your data growth challenges.
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Can Data Growth Become your Next Advantage?
Data is no longer just highly structured information from a few specific sources, but in addition to volume, data management is complicated by the sprawl of a wide variety of data types and structures and this is leading organisations to increasingly rely on the cloud for enterprise data storage because of the cloud’s scalability and low cost.
Using and managing information is critical to new business opportunities, but these needs create a range of challenges and places increase demand on IT infrastructure.
Successful enterprises are adopting new solutions that leverage artificial intelligence as well as multiple capabilities and deployment options from on-premises, public and private clouds.
Average spend on storage is estimated to be between 5% and 10% of an organisation’s IT budget so lowering storage requirements can have a significant impact.
This can be achieved through data compression and multi-tiered data management technologies that reduce the storage requirement directly, or by offloading “cold” data to more cost-efficient storage options.
“There are ways to simplify data consumption and create opportunities.”
To simplify data consumption, many companies are investigating the use of a data fabric – an architectural approach to enable self-service access to data. A data fabric doesn’t care about environments, processes, utility or geography, but integrates end-to-end data-management capabilities.
Automated data discovery, governance and consumption, enables an enterprise to use data to maximise its value by providing the right data, at the right time, regardless of where it stored.