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IBM Power
Levelling Up from Legacy IBM Power Systems (An EOS Guide)
Why Modernisation Matters Modernisation is often about market competitiveness and relevance. For modernised organisations, offboarding outdated hardware is a matter…

Why Private infrastructure is better for AI
Running AI Models vs. Building New AI Models: Inferencing and Training To make informed platform choices depends on a clear…

Storage and Backup
Improving Operational Resilience (With AI-driven Technology)
The Financial Impact of Cyber Attacks is Underestimated On average, analysts have discovered, a cyber-attack will force a UK SME…

DORA or not to DORA – What Next for UK Banks?
DORA Recap: What, Where & Why Firstly, it’s critical to know that DORA is a benchmark piece of regulation that…

About CSI
Whistlebrook and CSI partnership
Financial institutions can consume Whistlebrook’s SaaS applications through compliant, secure, cloud service offerings.

Storage and Backup
A Buying Guide to Finding the Best Storage Solution for Your Business
Find the right storage for your company.

IBM Power
What If the IT Skills Gap Widens in 2024?
The IT skills gap is forecasted to widen in 2024 - what happens next?

Storage and Backup
Why Cyber-resilient Backups Are More Important Than Ever
Restoring mission-critical workloads with a backup strategy is the bedrock in understanding how your organisation can become even more resilient.

Cyber Security
Cyber Security tips and best practice
Discover top cyber security tips & lessons from industry influencers.

About CSI
CSI Change Freeze (Dec 2023 – Jan 2024)
CSI will be operating a 'Change Freeze' across our hosted and managed infrastructure to manage risk at this critical time.

How much consideration goes into Responsible Computing in business today?
It’s important we think carefully about how technology decisions will impact the environment.

Microsoft Azure
End of Support Guidance for Windows Server 2012 (Dos & Don’ts)
Here's what to do if you run workloads on Windows Server 2012.
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